Monday, June 29, 2009

New Life in a Beautiful Setting

Yesterday was a beautiful day! It was sunny but not too hot. If one were to complain about anything, it was a bit windy. Spiritually it was a beautiful day too! Worship at JFM was exceptional. It was Communion Sunday. The message and the music as we took communion led me to a real sense of the Lord's presence.

Fast forward to 6:00 p.m. at Ackerson Lake. Our annual summer baptism service was held at the home of Bill and Mary. They have a beautiful home with a very nice lakefront. Over 100 people gathered to witness the baptisms of 8 people. As each person entered the water their story was read over the loudspeaker. It is always inspiring to hear how Christ changes lives. Sunday was no exception. The baptism candidates were frank and eloquent as they described their lives before they came to know Christ. Two were alcoholics and talked about how Christ freed them from their addictions and former lifestyle. There was strong sense of victory in the air as we heard about the transformations that have taken place in all the candidates. It was a privilege to hear their stories.

Afterwards there was a sandwich buffet and lots of time to mingle among the people gathered there. I was amazed by the connections God brought to me there. Some were people struggling with cancer. I hope I was an encouragement to them. I also was able to connect with some people to discuss a prayer event that I feel led to plan. It seemed like God orchestrated the right people at the right time to join in the conversation. Lastly, He connected me with a few people that I wanted to congratulate for the good things that He is doing through them. I left the gathering feeling uplifted to a degree that I haven't felt for awhile.

God is real. God is present. God changes lives. Thanks be to God!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Close Encounter of the Best Kind!

Today I had a wonderful encounter with a hummingbird. I was watering a hanging basket just inches from a feeder when she came to eat. The distinctive whirring of her wings enthralled me as she approached the feeder. Suddenly she withdrew about a foot and looked at me curiously. I stood still as a statue. She hovered at the feeder and took a drink. Again she took flight and moved toward my face. She must have been wondering "is she real?" Evidently she concluded that I was not a threat because she resumed her drinking. The encounter lasted a full minute or two. What a delight!!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer Memories

Today was blistering hot. The temperatures soared in the 90's. I love summer although I was happy that Rick installed the window air conditioner last night. My gardens need extra attention in such extreme heat and so I wandered in and out of the house to move the sprinklers and keep my plants happy. It was so nice to be able to come back into the house where it was cooler.

Hot muggy days bring back many happy summer memories. Every summer my cousin Sue and I would spend a few days staying with my cousin Nancy at her home at Farwell Lake. They had a pontoon raft anchored out in the water. I can still close my eyes and picture those lazy summer days spent out on that raft. We would wade out into the chest deep water with our beach towels which we would spread out for the perfect resting place. We would sun ourselves and talk, and laugh, and tell jokes ... and when we got hot we would roll off into the water and swim and then begin the process all over again. Ah, to be a child again! As Pumba would say, "Hakuna matata" ... no worries!

Today as I was wandering about the yard, I was drawn to remember my days as a daycare provider. On the hot, hot days like this the perfect respite was water balloons on the patio. We had a wading pool with a slide and another small one for the babies. I would get a lawn chair and dangle my feet in the water while the kids played. I would take the hose and begin to fill water balloons. We all had a great time and at least one popsicle. I found myself wishing to be whisked back in time for the afternoon and enjoy the splash of cool water and the laughter of the children.

My joy and nostalgia were intensified when three of my former daycare kids stopped by on an errand. My how they had grown. All three were once infants in my arms and I was astounded by how much they had grown. The eldest is on her way to becoming young woman. How did that happen?? The middle child will in middle school next year. The baby is now a strong boy of 8. My heart smiled as they told me of their summer activities. I felt privileged to spend a few minutes with them as I savored how special they are to me.

Summer memories ... life is good!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Preacher and the Bear (Hope Not!)

I took a mini vacation/mission trip with my sister, her daughter, and niece to Oakdale Christian Academy. The very day we left they spotted a black bear on campus. It is ironic that I had asked whether they ever had bears there and Laura told me not on campus but they had been spotted down the road. Well, wouldn't you know this one wandered on to campus that very evening? It was seen again last night. This prompted me to look up an old song that my Dad used to play for us. We loved it. It is so appropriate in this situation. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, June 12, 2009

School's Out and an Update on the Man from Honduras

Forget what the calendar says. Today is the first day of summer. School got out yesterday. This means no more getting up at 6:25 to make sure my teen gets up and around in the morning. Today I am celebrating another school year gone by. Nick is a senior starting today. One more year and my baby will graduate.

Great news about Marco, the young man who was kidnapped in Honduras! He was released safely. His family had to pay a huge ransom but he is free. Say a prayer for another unnamed man who was not yet released and for the captors so consumed with greed that they would do this. I hope and pray that they will be caught and brought to justice. I am so glad that I was born in the United States and live in a place where I feel safe and secure. Thank you, Lord, for the release of Marco!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Remembering Dad

Today I am remembering a very special man. My father, Eldon, would have been 77 today. He died of cancer in August of 2005. I have so many wonderful memories of this man who loved his family deeply. We were his main focus in life. His second love was fishing.

I can remember his patience with us when as young children he would take us out in the boat. Cane poles were the choice of the day. He taught us how to bait our own hook. If we wanted to catch fish, we needed to get used to the feel of the slimy worms and place them on the hook ourselves. He always brought a candy bar for each of us. I can remember the strangeness of eating a candy bar with worm germs on my hands. I was a true fisher-girl to do that! I remember the peacefulness of the lake as we sat and watched our bobbers, waiting for a nibble. In later years he taught me to clean my own fish, not my favorite job but a necessity. His motto was "you catch them, you clean them."

I can remember as a child him offering me the choice of a penny, a nickel, and a dime. I wanted that nickel so bad! I was sure it was more valuable because of its size. I would not believe that that teeny little dime was the biggest prize! He was very amused. He had a silly game he would play with young children. "Do you want that ear any longer?," he would ask. There was no correct answer. "Yes," would bring the reply "then let me stretch it" and a "no" answer would bring, "then let me take it." Either way the ear got a gentle tug and a twinkle from his eye.

He loved poetry and would recite silly poems for us. My favorites were "The Spider and the Fly" and the "Goblins Will Get You (IF You Don't Watch Out)." He recited them with great animation making us squeal with delight. He was also very fond of the "Willie" poems. He had a great sense of humor.

He also loved music. Dean Martin, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Frank Sinatra, and many others. One of my favorites was Roger Miller. Through his silly music I learned "you can't roller skate in a buffalo herd, but you can be happy if you've a mind to." One of the songs I remember the most was "Dang Me." Sung with a peppy country twang was "Dang me. Dang me. They outta take a rope and hang me. High from the highest tree .... long note .... country twang finished with a high note ... "woman would you weep for me bup bup bup do dodled doo doo down." Kind of morbid when you see it written but it was fun to sing!

Some of my favorite memories are Sunday drives usually involving a stop for ice cream; playing cards and the twinkle he got as he laid down a good card; watching him stroll with mom, hand in hand, around their large garden looking for asparagus; and him waxing his car and listening to the NASCAR race on Father's Day. He always planted his strawberries during fair week. It made sense to him because it always rains fair week! He was seldom wrong.

There is a family story that often gets mentioned at family gatherings. It involves me, a pop bottle, a fence, and a field. As an inexperienced driver I reached down to straighten a bottle of pop that had fallen over. I took my eyes off the road and found myself in a field not far from my house. The problem is that I had hit a wire fence in a way that the car somehow caught the bottom, slid under it, and didn't break the fence. I drove around trying to find my way out. I finally walked home. Dad worked nights and so he was sound asleep. "Dad, I went off the road. The car's OK but it's in a field and I can't get it out!" He jumped out of bed and into his pants faster than a fireman ever could. Later I would find out that my driving around the field over stumps ripped up the undercarriage of the car and the fence scratched the paint on the roof.. He loved his cars and must have been upset with me although he never showed it. That was the type of man he was. He did like to tease me about it. Maybe that was my penance.

He was a man of wisdom. Two of his favorite Eldonisms were "if you aren't going to use your head you might as well have a fanny on both ends" and when we were standing in his line of sight he would tell us "you make a better door than you do a window." Both expressions make me smile to this day.

I could go on for hours writing about my dad. He was one loving, fun, hard working man. I miss him.

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