Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Sleeping Monster

We just got back from CTCA in Zion, Illinois for my 3 month scans and doctor visit. Seems that the sleeping monster has let out a big yawn. Two lesions on my liver have grown slightly and show a slight increase in activity. Looks like I will be starting on a new adventure soon to try to keep him from awakening entirely. Dr. Thompson is contacting one of her colleagues who specializes in neuroendocrine tumors (islet cell carcinoma) and will be calling me in a few days to let me know the plan. She is a wonderful doctor. I am so blessed to have her. I've enjoyed my break while the enemy slept but am more than ready to join back in the battle if necessary.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Frog in my Shoe

I love summer! I love gardening! I love nature with all the surprises that come with it! Today was a fun day. I was straightening up my patio and moved my gardening shoes. Inside was a sleeping tree frog. He/she is a beautiful silver-gray. It looked so comfortable that I took a few pictures and let it sleep. What a trade-off. I get my shoe guarded from bugs and it gets a nice house! I think I shall wash them before I wear them again.

Second fun surprise was a hummingbird battle that occurred right over my head. I was sitting on the ground under the feeder trying to get rid of an obnoxious weed. Two hummingbirds were dive bombing each other and chattering totally unaware that I was only a few feet away. Later one came into the gazebo while Rick and I were eating supper. The yard is teeming with life! This is a day that the Lord has made and I am both rejoicing and being glad in it!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Our youth group at church planned to go to Honduras this month to serve people in a town called Tocoa. Recent unrest has caused them to call off the trip for now. Mission trips are an amazing opportunity to experience God through serving others. Many people return from such trips transformed as they experience another culture and harsh realities like hunger and extreme poverty. This is what we were expecting God to do as 32 high school students and 8 adults prepared for the trip. What does God have planned for the youth of our church?

I have faith that God will use even this situation for His glory. Sometimes when we wait patiently for direction from God he will send us down a better path. It is not always a smooth one but when we reach the end and look back, often we will see a glimpse of His plan and realize that things are the way they should be. I don't know where the path will lead for our youth but I pray that He is working in their hearts as they learn another harsh reality of life - that life often takes unexpected twists and turns. For right now the hope is that the trip will be able to be held at a later time. Patience and waiting are tough!

I feel very sad for the people of Tocoa and all of Honduras. Please pray for a quick resolution to the political unrest. People already are suffering and their poverty and strife may increase if this is not settled soon. I pray for their disappointment over the cancellation of the trip. Our youth were to build a small house, dispense worm medication to the children there, and distribute food. Lord, make a way!

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