LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. Psalm 16:5,6
I have often said that I would count my blessings but I can't count that high!! How blessed I feel this Thanksgiving as I spend another precious year with my family. This past year allowed me to meet my goal of watching my baby graduate from high school. God has given me an amazing husband, three wonderful children, marvelous parents and siblings, great in-laws, superb extended family, numerous friends and acquaintances. Life is good.
Life has its challenges. I am at a treatment crossroad again in my cancer journey but even there blessings are abundant. My heart overflows with gratitude for the people who have stood by me, lifting me in prayer and offering their love and support. My doctors are amazing.
Cancer is not a road that anyone chooses but I have found it to be a sometimes bumpy but scenic journey filled with fellow warriors who have added a tremendous richness to my life. Even those who have lost the battle have left their amazing imprint on my heart. I am thankful for moments - lessons shared - lasting legacies.
As you count your blessings this Thanksgiving, I hope and pray that you will be able to see the richness of relationships, the power of love and most of all the promise of eternity to those who are willing to accept God's beautiful offer.
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