Today is the day after Easter. We had a lovely time. Services were very good. Family time was great. We had lots of lovely food.I have a lovely cup of Earl Grey tea poured. Every sip brings me to a better state of consciousness.I may even be fully awake soon.
I look outside. The sun is out. It is going to be a beautiful day. I think of my friend Mike who lost his wife to cancer on Good Friday evening. I wonder does he even see the sun? His life has changed forever. Cancer is such an awful beast. How can it continue to devour victims?
I will miss Jean. She and I walked the path of cancer together for the past three years. She was not new on the path but had a re-occurrence a few weeks before my diagnosis. As part of my prayer ministry I gave her a call and we prayed over the phone. What a shock it was to both of us to discover that I would be fighting right alongside her with my own battle.
We both ended up at the same cancer treatment center in Illinois. We were later to learn that we even shared a birthday. Both of us weren't given a very good prognosis at the start. I was given a reprieve through a change in diagnosis in which it was discovered that my tumors are slow growing. Jean's aggressive sarcoma continued to be a challenge for her. She endured some tough treatments and had many unpleasant side effects. Yet, through her doctor's good decisions and God's healing touch she was able to ward off this attack for three years. Thank you, Lord, for those three years!
Sadly, the chess game has been played. (See related post January 14 "A Game of Chess." ) The game is over. Her king has left the board. The amazing thing is that He does not lay helplessly on his side next to the chessboard waiting to be set up for another match. Not this King. King Jesus has taken my friend to His home. She lives. SHE LIVES. Because of Easter, She lives on forever in a land far better than this world can ever offer.
Easter has so much meaning this year. God loved us enough to come down in the flesh and walk with Man. He taught us many things and in His own timing, succumbed to men who would crucify Him on an implement of torture. His tormentors felt they had won when His Spirit left his body. Not so! He arose that first Easter and walked with men. He made many appearances and then ascended into heaven. He sent his Holy Spirit to live in and interact with each of us who believe.
Today I have much hope because Jean did not die. Not permanently. Death is only a transition for those who believe in Jesus Christ. I have confidence that she still lives and that gives me joy and peace. I pray you come to know my Lord too and experience all the Wonder and the Grace that He has to offer!
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