Last night was a magical night spent with one of those gems. Several months ago I felt an urging to treat a dear friend to a night at the symphony. January's concert date did not fit into her schedule and so we marked our calendars for February 13th.
"What is so remarkable about two friends attending the symphony?" you ask. "What point of interest will your night out hold for me?" My answer is, "perhaps none," but to me this is another sweet story of God's provision and His love for me and my friend. Timing is everything and God's timing is perfect!
Now before you think my offer to treat my friend comes from some great affluence or generosity, let it be known that I buy the cheap seats. Three tiers of ticket prices and I only spring for the seats in the balcony. Two tickets ... $18 each = $36. Still rather pricey for my budget but I decide my friend is worth it.
Now here's the part of the story that I find incredibly interesting. Just before I purchase our tickets, I read on the internet that the orchestra is offering a special Valentine's package. They call it "Sushi and the Symphony," which includes two concert tickets and a sushi reception afterward for $25. I repeat - $25.00 for two tickets AND a lovely afterparty.
I have lived long enough to know that if it sounds like it's too good to be true, it probably is! I call to make my ticket purchase for the $36 balcony seats but mentioned the $25 package. The lady on the phone is surprised I knew about it and says that it is her understanding it is only for season ticket holders. I am not disappointed because after all it was an unreasonably good offer. I order my seats, pay and hang up the phone.
A minute later the woman at the box office calls back to let me know that she was mistaken! The offer is open to the public and not only that but we can have any seats in the house that are available!! I am astounded. I quickly change our seats to lower level center prime seats and gladly accept the savings of $11.
Fast forward to last night February 13, 2010. My friend and I were amazed at our seats. What an awesome blessing to be sitting in the upscale section! The symphony was spectacular. We were swept away by the string, winds, brass and percussion dancing and weaving beautiful music right before our eyes. Had the evening ended there, I would have been satisfied.
In fact, we were not sure if we were going to attend the afterparty. Neither of us were sure we liked sushi, and besides it was being held in downtown Jackson, not near the music hall. We both agreed. Why not? If it was not to our liking we would have a funny story to look back upon, and if we loved it - even better!
We were not disappointed. We entered the building to the strains of festive music and entered the main room to a magnificent spread of food. The hall was full of people, many of them from the upper echelon of society, sipping wine and engaging in joyous conversation. From that point on it became a magical evening of good food, conversation and soaking in the ambiance of the evening. I had my first taste of caviar, which I enjoyed, and even had a taste of sake. We laughed as we struggled with our chopsticks and stood in awe of a God who loved us so much that He orchestrated (no pun intended) lasting memories for two middle-class gals who were much in need of a night on the town.
The Symphony has two fans for life. A thank-you note is in the works. I went to bed with my head swirling as I tried to wrap my mind around the incredible bargain, the total experience that a measly $25 dollars bought us. In today's world where there is so much deception and selfishness, I tip my hat to the benefactor of our evening and the Benefactor of Life. My heart overflows!
Hi Cindy! What an utterly wonderfully mysterious way God has of filling our hearts with beauty and joy. He shows His love in so many ways. I'm glad you had such a lovely evening. Thanks for sharing.