The word "cancer" brings many negative thoughts to mind. It is a scary word, one that a person does not want to hear - especially from their doctor. Today I acknowledge a milestone in my life. It was exactly three years ago today that I got that phone call from my doctor. The results of my CT scan had arrived. There was a large mass on my pancreas and tumors in my liver. I could hear the sadness in my doctor's voice as he relayed the message. It was Friday and he encouraged me to give him a call if I needed anything or had any questions over the weekend. His compassion and willingness to be available to me was very touching. It also spoke of the seriousness of my diagnosis. Yes, cancer can be scary but I felt a peace. I believe it is what the Bible calls the "peace that passes all understanding." This peace has been my companion throughout this cancer journey.
Today I want to blog about the positive aspects of cancer. "WHAT?" You ask, "How can cancer be a positive thing? This scourge that robs people of their health and even their life. What can there possibly be that is good about that?" I agree that cancer is an ugly disease and the worst part is that almost everyone is affected whether it be their own cancer or a loved one's. There is so much to the dark side of cancer but today I want to share what has happened in my life because of that fateful phone call 3 years ago.
One of the first things I did was start notifying family and friends. The support and the prayers started immediately! At that time I was not expected to live out the year. I expressed a desire to get together with a special group of friends who helped me develop into the person I am today. Several dear friends in that group hosted a gathering of friends that was filled with love and good food. My pastor from those special years was there and led us in singing, communion and anointing. We shared memories just like people do after a funeral. The good part was I was there and able to participate and share my memories back. This meant all the world to me and is among my fondest memories.
I also had great support among my current church family. I lead a prayer group and one of our pastors led a time of anointing and prayer for my healing. Friends and family started to put me on their prayer chains including a cousin in Texas who works with inmates. I was told that the men in "the tank" were praying for me. Prayers in England and all over were said for me. Even to this day, I encounter people who tell me I am on their church's prayer list and have been there for years. To have this wonderful prayer support not only is uplifting to me but has certainly made a huge difference in my fight against cancer. God has led my doctor to the latest of treatment and I am very thankful!
One of the richest gifts that cancer has given me are new friends. Because of the rarity of my cancer, I sought out people on the internet to network with on this cancer journey. We share information but also out of those relationships I have met many wonderful people. Some of those people have become close friends. I will probably never meet them face to face but there is a love and a bond that has formed. What an amazing gift.
Cancer has also allowed me to help others. It is very satisfying to be able to talk to others who are going through tough things in their lives and feel the connection that my journey of cancer lends to their struggle. I have had several opportunities to share my faith with the congregation at church. Some people still comment to me on how those words touched their lives. I have joined the Care Force at church and am visiting people who are in the hospital and nursing homes. God has been amazingly present in those visits. My life is overflowing with the witness of God's abundance and mercy.
Cancer has brought a richness into my life that I would never have experienced otherwise. I thank the Lord for the people and the love He has brought into my life. I thank Him for walking with me on the journey. I thank Him for my family and my friends. I thank Him for every breath and for answered prayer. I am a 3 year survivor and I celebrate!