Life sometimes has its unexpected surprises. My mother has found true love for the second time in her life and was married on August 1st to a wonderful man. Both mom and her new husband lost their spouses to cancer. Two people who have raised their families, sadly said good-bye to their mates and faced life alone. Romance kindled. Youth renewed. A new beginning.
It is fun to watch the joy and youthfulness that has emerged from these twighlight years newlyweds. Twitterpated ... I say. Full of that joy and enthusiasm that young lovers share. It is hard to keep up with them. Life is busy as they settle into this new life. They have many plans and I have a feeling that I won't be seeing much of them for awhile. Travel is in their future. There is a world to explore together.
Having a step-father is something that I had never imagined. We have met his family and they are wonderful people. The circle has grown. Relationships have begun to develop. At the rehearsal dinner it was announced that he will be a great-grandfather. This new baby will be my mother's great-grandchild and somehow we will feel a connection to our new extended family too.
Thank you, Lord for sending this man into our family. I pray that they may enjoy good health, happy travels. and have many beautiful years together.
Hi Cindy, I love your Blog! You are an amazing woman. I am not sure how you keep going but I am glad you do. I am here for you if ever needed. Keep that strong spirit going and continue to be all that you can be. You continue to amaze me. Leslie