Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Here in Tampa (short version)
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Only Thing That Matters
Right after I was diagnosed, I read the book "Searching for Heaven on Earth: How to Find What Really Matters in Life" by David Jeremiah. It is a study of the book of Ecclesiastes. I had always found that book to be very depressing! "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless." (Ecclesiastes 1:2) I had just been diagnosed with cancer and things were looking bleak. Death was imminent or so we thought! The book became a gem for me. Death is not the end. Death is only the beginning.
"Love God, Love Others" is the sermon series at JFM right now. This is something that God had already revealed to me through this book. In 200 years you and I will most likely be forgotten. The only ones who will be remembered are those who made the history books, made some great discovery, or did something so profound or terrible that it stirred the heart of the world. The rest of us will become a branch on a family tree only remembered by those who love their genealogy. Everything I own will most likely be decomposing in some dump. My home will eventually be replaced. Nothing that I possess or hold dear will remain - except the people I have loved, the relationships that have enriched my life and my impact on my fellow man.
As a Christian I believe with all my heart that physical death is not the end of life but instead the beginning of a new and amazing existence without the limitations of a human body. All who come to know Jesus Christ, acknowledge His Lordship in our lives, and choose to follow Him are assured of life abundant and eternal. My purpose here in this life is to love people, to live out my faith, and to encourage others to develop a strong relationship with Him. He is my strength and my constant companion.
This past weekend I was blessed with a day spent with some of my spiritual mentors. These people knew me at the very beginning when, as an adult, I returned to church. There I discovered that although I have always believed in Jesus, I never knew him personally. Rick and I got involved in Sunday School and Bible Study with these amazing people. The growth that came out of those years was profound for all of us. We have shared joys, sorrows, read, studied, and prayed together. There is a part of me that was nurtured by each and every person in that group.
We talked about that around the campfire. Once we all attended the same church. Today we are widely disbursed but we are still connected with a strong bond that cannot be broken. We share a history together. We have seen glimpses of God together and we will celebrate together in Heaven when all that seems important in this world is long forgotten. Love God and love others. Cherish and nurture your relationships. This is what truly matters in life.
A New Chapter

Life sometimes has its unexpected surprises. My mother has found true love for the second time in her life and was married on August 1st to a wonderful man. Both mom and her new husband lost their spouses to cancer. Two people who have raised their families, sadly said good-bye to their mates and faced life alone. Romance kindled. Youth renewed. A new beginning.
It is fun to watch the joy and youthfulness that has emerged from these twighlight years newlyweds. Twitterpated ... I say. Full of that joy and enthusiasm that young lovers share. It is hard to keep up with them. Life is busy as they settle into this new life. They have many plans and I have a feeling that I won't be seeing much of them for awhile. Travel is in their future. There is a world to explore together.
Having a step-father is something that I had never imagined. We have met his family and they are wonderful people. The circle has grown. Relationships have begun to develop. At the rehearsal dinner it was announced that he will be a great-grandfather. This new baby will be my mother's great-grandchild and somehow we will feel a connection to our new extended family too.
Thank you, Lord for sending this man into our family. I pray that they may enjoy good health, happy travels. and have many beautiful years together.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Reflections on Relay for Life 2009
This year's Relay for Life held at Cascades Park in Jackson was a mix of joy and pain - very much like any cancer journey. The event began with a joyous camaraderie as survivors, caregivers, and friends gathered to celebrate life and raise money to advance the fight against cancer. The survivor's tent was buzzing with conversation as inspiring music was presented by a talented young man. Free dinners were passed out. Survivor T-shirts were donned. Other freebies were shared.
Jackson High School junior Emmarie Truman touched us all as with her speech at the opening ceremonies. She described her experiences as a 15 year old diagnosed with brain cancer. She was very eloquent and shared her struggles and victories as a cancer survivor. Her faith in God poured out of her and her words inspired us all. Praise the Lord, she seems to be winning her fight!
There were over 600 participants in the victorious Survivor Lap including one woman who is a 55 year survivor!! Lots of smiles, cheers, and clapping spurred us on as we walked the track. I felt a special victory in my life because last year I had to be pushed in a wheelchair because of side effects of treatment. Thank you Lord for feet to walk on!!! I rejoiced each lap I took!
The Luminary ceremony at dusk was profound as thousands of bags that represented loved ones who had succumbed to this terrible disease and in honor of those still in the fight. During our times of silence I remembered my Dad and prayed for the families of those I have lost this year ... Jean, Kathy, Elliott, Kris & also those who are fighting the disease ... Jean, Tracey, Sue, Priscilla, Dale, Mark, Dave, Jennifer, Mary Ann, Lana, Terry and more. As we walked the track the luminaries were both beautiful and sobering. This is a fight we must continue to engage until victory is won. I felt a sense of gratitude to everyone who made a donation!
I went home to the warmth and comfort of my own home. The event continued and the rain poured down. It was intense at times with thunder and lightening. When we returned in the early afternoon the place had been transformed into a wet muddy mess. Poor groundkeeper! Ruts and mud were abundant and will need to be repaired. Some hardy souls were still walking the track but plans were in the works to end the event early due to abundant rain pouring down and still to come.
It is ironic that such a joyous event can suddenly turn to sadness! Just like our cancer journeys, things don't always happen the way we would choose. A sudden gust of wind called a microburst blew through the area destroying tents including the tent that contained the raffle prizes. Several people were injured although none serious. The raffle tickets were lost and some of the prizes were damaged. The raffle will most likely have to be scrapped causing a dilemma that will have to be settled by the lottery commission.
Joys & sorrows but God will use it all for good! Much money was raised and God willing we will be able to do it all over again next year - minus the rain!!