Today was blistering hot. The temperatures soared in the 90's. I love summer although I was happy that Rick installed the window air conditioner last night. My gardens need extra attention in such extreme heat and so I wandered in and out of the house to move the sprinklers and keep my plants happy. It was so nice to be able to come back into the house where it was cooler.
Hot muggy days bring back many happy summer memories. Every summer my cousin Sue and I would spend a few days staying with my cousin Nancy at her home at Farwell Lake. They had a pontoon raft anchored out in the water. I can still close my eyes and picture those lazy summer days spent out on that raft. We would wade out into the chest deep water with our beach towels which we would spread out for the perfect resting place. We would sun ourselves and talk, and laugh, and tell jokes ... and when we got hot we would roll off into the water and swim and then begin the process all over again. Ah, to be a child again! As Pumba would say, "Hakuna matata" ... no worries!
Today as I was wandering about the yard, I was drawn to remember my days as a daycare provider. On the hot, hot days like this the perfect respite was water balloons on the patio. We had a wading pool with a slide and another small one for the babies. I would get a lawn chair and dangle my feet in the water while the kids played. I would take the hose and begin to fill water balloons. We all had a great time and at least one popsicle. I found myself wishing to be whisked back in time for the afternoon and enjoy the splash of cool water and the laughter of the children.
My joy and nostalgia were intensified when three of my former daycare kids stopped by on an errand. My how they had grown. All three were once infants in my arms and I was astounded by how much they had grown. The eldest is on her way to becoming young woman. How did that happen?? The middle child will in middle school next year. The baby is now a strong boy of 8. My heart smiled as they told me of their summer activities. I felt privileged to spend a few minutes with them as I savored how special they are to me.
Summer memories ... life is good!
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