If there is one thing that can be said about the cancer journey it would be, "it is unpredictable." Some paths can be smooth and well defined and next thing you know you are off the trail and stumbling around near the briers. I have quite a few friends right now that are in that dark place that cancer can take you. Right now I'm sitting on a rock and wondering where I'm going.
I have several directions to turn but none of them are screaming out, "pick me." The path that I am being nudged toward is one kind of like the forest in the Wizard of Oz. I can imagine scary trees that throw apples and I have heard there are lions, tigers and bears. (OH, MY) Another is an easier path but I just might end up in the wrong place.
Time, patience and prayer. That's the magic formula. So I pray tonight for wisdom and remind myself, "there's no place like home."